Monday 26 September 2016

Harold Bob Nartey - 5 Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercises

As a personal trainer and fitness expert, Harold Bob Nartey has to rely upon a deep and diverse understanding of various training disciplines, including cardiovascular exercises. There are seven basic types of cardiovascular exercise: low, medium and high intensity exercises, each with different durations, aerobic and anaerobic interval training, Fartlek training, and last but not least, circuit training. No matter which category your preferred choice of exercise falls under, you can enjoy the same types of benefits.

Harold Bob Nartey

Improved Heart Health
One of the, if not the, most important reasons why doing cardiovascular exercise is worthwhile is because it improves heart health. The clue really is in the name - these exercises put good stress on the cardiovascular system, making it more efficient.

Increased Metabolism
It is well known that exercising boosts your metabolism, and by doing cardiovascular workouts one can take full advantage of this effect. Increased metabolism means that the body becomes more efficient, making it harder to reach a caloric surplus and therefore gain weight.

Improved Hormonal Balance
Cardiovascular exercises can improve your hormonal balance considerably. During and after exercising, the body releases various beneficial hormones, including serotonin which is known as the happiness hormone.

You Can Recover Faster
Low intensity cardio can help you reduce your recovery time after a heavy lifting session. This method is used for removing the by-products of resistance training.

Cardiovascular exercises are excellent for people with diabetes, provided that they do not yet have any of the chronic heart conditions that are often associated with the disease.

Harold Bob Nartey exercises at least three or four times every week, not counting his client sessions.
