Monday 25 July 2016

Harold Bob Nartey - On the Importance of Eating Healthy and Managing Energy

Harold Bob Nartey is a nutritionist with a vast experience of helping people get in shape while meeting the demands of modern life.

Harold Bob Nartey
 We live in fast digital times. Technology was supposed to make our lives easier, yet our days are more rushed than ever. Our to-do lists seem to be infinite. Our days are carved into bits and bytes.  We are looking for quick reaction and instant gratification far more than for deep reflection. We skim across the surface, stopping for a moment at different destinations, but we rarely remain at one for a prolonged period of time.

Most people are trying to do what they can. When demand exceeds capacity, they start drinking more coffee and sleeping less. They eat fast foods on the run and unwind with the help of alcohol and sleeping pills. Faced with pressing duties at work, they become easily irritated and distracted. They return home from work feeling exhausted and tired. Family time is not a source of renewal, but yet another demand on an already overburdened life.

Time management and multitasking emerged as a solution to this. People have calendars and reminders on their iPhones, have planners and to-do lists.

No matter how well you manage time, it doesn’t seem like enough. It doesn’t, because it isn’t. Think about a meeting that you attended and didn’t waste a second, but your energy dropped significantly in the last two hours of it. During most days your energy probably turns negative by midday. You set aside time to spend with your kids, yet you find yourself tired and exhausted.

This is because in addition to time management you need to learn to manage your energy and eat healthy. You simply can’t stay productive if you eat junk food. If you need help with creating a diet plan, you can contact a nutritionist like Harold Bob Nartey and get help today.